What We Do...
We are an organization for families by families. In response to the need for a family driven organization, FSO-PC was incorporated in New Jersey as a not for profit corporation in December, 2004. We began operating in Passaic County in April, 2005. The Board of Trustees, all of whom are parents of children with emotional and or behavior challenges, formed the FSO with the goal of spearheading a family friendly place for families to come together for mutual support, education and sharing.
Mission: Family Support Organization (FSO-PC) is committed to providing community based education, direct family-to-family peer support and advocacy to families, children, youth and other professionals for children in Passaic County with emotional, substance abuse, mental health and/or developmental challenges.
Our vision is for all family members of Passaic County to have the appropriate supports and resources to keep their children in home and in community.